1. The goal of a smart water distribution system is to facilitate and improve the distribution of drinking water to the final users. A smart water distribution system is made up of two subsystems: (1) a network of stations equipped with Internet of Things (IoT) technology, where hydraulic and water quality data are measured and sent to a web platform, and (2) a set of algorithms based on artificial intelligence and control theory to provide early diagnosis of leaks and quality deviations.
  2. The goal of this project is to install smart water distribution systems on university campuses (and on some District Metered Area) to demonstrate that there is a nationally replicable solution to lessen the impacts of poor water management. The benefits are: (1) the reduction of water losses, (2) the reduction of its overconsumption, (3) the early detection of contaminants, (4) the reduction of electrical consumption and (5) the prevention of pipe ruptures .

Some articles that present results of this project are listed below.


L. Torres. IoT stations for monitoring a district metered area of Guanajuato city. In 2021 IEEE International Conference On Engineering Veracruz (IEEE ICEV 2021), Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico, 2021. [Download]


L. Reyes, L. Torres, M. Jiménez, C. Ríos. (2022). Predicción de la máxima demanda en un sector de la red de distribución de agua potable de la ciudad de Guanajuato, México. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua 13(4), 2022.



IoT stations in CU-UNAM

IoT stations in FES-Aragón

IoT stations in Guanajuato